Friday, March 31, 2017

Crazy Cats

some days he thinks he's a cat, 

other days he thinks he's 

famous artist or something. 


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

No mud, no lotus

muddy layers, muddy colors, muddy mud.. muddy practice with mud. no mud, no lotus, though.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Nature Mandala

thinking back to our amazing Paint Mojo weekend, missing all the wonderful women, the beautiful nature mandala and sacred circle we created together. Creating with spirit. 


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Being Gentle

my morning mantra. sometimes you just have to listen to your body. I turned off my alarm, skipped my morning run, and am just trying to sense into how I feel. I have some coffee to drink, some orders to do, and some laundry to fold, but maybe that's it for the day. maybe I will take a rest day . .


Monday, March 20, 2017

Notes from a First Art Show

Notes from a first art show!!
-putting yourself out there, taking things that you have made and displaying them in front of a bunch of strangers and inviting them to judge you is hard. But-
-If you want to do a show, do it, even if you aren't ready for it. Everything is a learning experience! If you do something that doesn't work, you can change it for the next one. Life is a practice, not a perfect performance.
-Setting up is waaayy easier than breaking down!
-Having company (and help) makes it a lot more fun. Dave was with me for the entire morning, and my booth was set up next to my friend and her husband, so I was lucky there and definitely not lonely!
-Seeing people you know at the show is sooo special. Huge smiles and huge hugs make everything better. And if they came specifically to see you, then there aren't even words for how freaking special that is!
-I think there will always be at least one person with a rude, unsolicited opinion. Smiling and wishing them well is the best response, I think. (It's how I handled it, anyway!)
-heartfelt compliments from strangers are one of the best things ever and things you'll keep forever, even if they don't buy anything. A man told me - "you have such a distinctive, recognizable style and your paintings have such happy colors" and I am so treasuring that today!!
-selling a painting is so humbling and moving.
-Doing a 10 mile race the day after an all day show isn't necessarily recommended (but can be fun). 
-being married to someone who is super supportive IS recommended (and can also be fun)

Monday, March 13, 2017

Be Here Now

feeling low today, and there isn't much I can do on days like this except be there with the low feeling. I usually try to chase it away or distract myself but today I am just being there. painted a bit. this is my now.


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mandalas and Coffee

feeling another lotus mandala today ✌🏻
(and coffee. lots and lots of coffee)


Thursday, March 9, 2017


some days you create masterpieces and some days all you create is mud. it's all about balance. muddy, muddy balance.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017


sometimes I need a reminder to just breathe, so I am painting it into a work in progress today ✌🏻


Wednesday, March 1, 2017


I have carpet cleaners coming today and a million things to do to get my house ready for them before they get here, but I am painting a little bit instead. Oops, don't tell anyone. Here's some mixed media fun that I am playing with (including some crayon hearts given to me by my 5 year old niece ❤️💚). No idea the direction this painting is going and that's okay..