Friday, May 21, 2010

New Things I'm Working On

I LOVE to read. And I hate to dog ear pages. I never do it, in fact, because I hate it so much. But I always seem to lose my paper bookmarks.
So out of desperation comes design. Or something like that.

These are a couple bookmarks I've made in the last couple days. Of course they're ocean inspired. What do you think?

Sea glass with pearls

Labradorite with smoky quartz crystals


Unknown said...

Gorgeous work! I love your blog and will continue to follow it:) Have a great weekend!
of Rayvenwoodmanor

Anonymous said...

oo those are pretty

Amanda Ergenbright said...

Those are really nice! I always lose my bookmarks, too. Of course, it's usually due to my 4-yr. old daughter, who pulls them out...

Roz said...

Thank you SO MUCH for discovering my blog and following me because this is how I found YOU! I love all of your designs. I am particularly fond of anything related to the ocean, water, and all of the colors associated with them.....I need to check out your etsy shop. I am so happy to have found you! . . . . Roz (bella)

PS....I used to visit a potter on Merrit Island when we would go to Coco Beach. We used to eat at the Dove in Melbourne too.

Beauty Boss Agnes said...

Love those bookmarks....I am a reader too but got past the bookmark problem by getting a Kindle....but dont tell anyone....I still pick up a book here and there.....

Modred Vintage said...

Very pretty.

mywifesstudio said...

Gorgeous!!! I love your color combinations!